
Phys Ed: Is There an Ideal Running Form?

In recent years, many barefoot running enthusiasts have been saying that to reduce impact forces and injury risk, runners should land near the balls of their feet, not on their heels, a running style that has been thought to mimic that of our barefoot forebears and therefore represent the most natural way to run. But a new study of barefoot tribespeople in Kenya upends those ideas and, together with...
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Home building outlook is cautiously optimistic

Although recent months have seen improvement in the number of housing starts and permits pulled, it will be multi-family builders...
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From the jury pool: Former Bell officials 'raped constituents'

Dozens of jurors were waiting to be questioned Tuesday in a Los Angeles courtroom as defense lawyers and prosecutors began selecting...
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Band: Beyonce lip synced US anthem at inaugural

WASHINGTON (AP) — Beyonce lip-synced the national anthem during her rousing performance at President Barack Obama's inauguration, according to the U.S. Marine Band.A band spokeswoman told news outlets Tuesday that the band was notified at the last minute that Beyonce would use a pre-recorded voice track. The band played their instruments live.All inaugural music is pre-recorded in case weather conditions...
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Well Pets: Holly the Cat's Incredible Journey

Nobody knows how it happened: an indoor house cat who got lost on a family excursion managing, after two months and about 200 miles, to return to her hometown.Even scientists are baffled by how Holly, a 4-year-old tortoiseshell who in early November became separated from Jacob and Bonnie Richter at an R.V. rally in Daytona Beach, Fla., appeared on New Year’s Eve — staggering, weak and emaciated —...
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Super Bowl chicken wings getting pricier, less plentiful

Americans are going to chow down on 1.23 billion chicken wings during Super Bowl weekend this year. But there will be fewer...
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Mahony, top aide discussed ways to thwart investigation into pedophile priests, church records show

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A day pulsing with history follows very old script

WASHINGTON (AP) — It was altogether a more intimate affair than four years ago. Just a party of untold hundred thousands, chilling in the nation's backyard.President Barack Obama's inauguration Monday brought out a festive crowd of flag-wavers who filled the National Mall to overflowing, hailed his moment with lusty cheers and spent their down time spotting celebrities amid the bunting.No match for...
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Really?: The Claim: In Children, Flu Vaccine Can Prevent Ear Infection

Really?Anahad O’Connor tackles health myths.THE FACTSFor many children, flu season means an increased risk of ear infections as well.Although many people do not realize it, the middle ear has a direct link to the upper respiratory tract: the auditory, or Eustachian, tube. Infections in the nose or sinus cavities thus can spread to the ear.Ear infections are a common scourge of childhood. Most children...
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Craft beer keeps growing, led by Boston Beer, Sierra Nevada

The craft beer revolution kept charging ahead in 2012, when 12% more barrels were shipped than the year before, the sixth straight...
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